toronto based, founder

I drive projects for myself and other founders in software, filmmaking, and community development.

Founded a technology company developing software to track progress on any aspect of your life. It enables higher self awareness, illuminates patterns in one's daily behaviour, increases efficacy in skill acquisition, and supports the completion of long term projects.

Created an internal studio to expand and upgrade Shopify's storytelling on all levels, worked directly with Tobi, critical assistance in success of IPO through documentary filmmaking, oversaw the production of compelling animated and original content.

High Frequency Output
I made music, wrote code, and designed an interface for 365 consecutive days each. This output totalled 21 hours of music and lead to the creation of my current startup, Futureland. Prior to this experiment, I had not made music, written code, or designed an interface in my life.

Co-founded a documentary film studio that made films about technology, artists, and culture. Worked with Jeff Staple and Microsoft, screened a film about Startup Weekend and the American Education System at SXSWedu.

Actively experimenting with accelerating multidisciplinary creative output city wide by playing my role in generating serendipity and developing necessary community infrastructure.

New Demos
Founded a Toronto-based event series that showcases unique applications of technology from around the world.


May 2023 · My experiments with doing things daily

Feb 2023 · I blog to create my own world

Feb 2023 · I don’t like making the best things

Sep 2019 · My mind as an environment for creativity